#MHForAll Webinar - Sport and Mental Health

Our #MHForAll webinar on Sport and Mental Health explored the profound impact of sport on mental well-being, shedding light on grassroots initiatives and strategic interventions that promote positive mental health outcomes. With a focus on how sport serves as a catalyst for healing, resilience, and awareness,  expert panellists shared perspectives from the field and discussed strategic initiatives led by funding organisations and umbrella associations. The webinar was chaired by Anne Wintroub, the Head of the lululemon Centre for Social Impact, who reaffirmed the commitment of her organisation in supporting the life-giving power of sport and movement worldwide.

Featured Panellists:

  • Anne Wintroub: Head of lululemon Centre for Social Impact, Lululemon (US) - Chair

  • Sofyen Khalfaoui: Head of Improving Mental Wellbeing, Z Zurich Foundation (Switzerland)

  • Adam Burgess: Director of Programmes, Beyond Sport (UK)

  • Haley Van Der Walt: Program Manager, Waves for Change (South Africa)

  • Charmaine Nyakonda: Mental Health Specialist, Grassroot Soccer (Zimbabwe)

  • Megan Bartlett: Founder, Center for Healing and Justice through Sport (US)

  • Heather Lewis: Programme Manager, Mental Health Foundation (UK)

  • Frank Bellivier: Ministry of Health and Prevention, Paris Olympics and Paralympics (France)

Session notes:

Empowering Youth Through Sport: Harnessing the transformative power of sport, Sofyen Khalfaoui (Z Zurich Foundation) shed light on the Foundation's innovative approach to empowering youth and driving systems change. Through dynamic initiatives like "Head in the Game," the Foundation is reshaping societal norms and breaking down barriers to mental health support.

Building Resilience Through Surf Therapy: Riding the waves of change, Haley Van Der Walt (Waves for Change) highlighted the transformative impact of surf therapy in supporting young people facing adversity. Through initiatives like the "Take Five" program, Waves for Change is empowering youth to navigate life's challenges and build resilience one wave at a time.

Integrating Mental Health Education into Sports: Blending sports and mental health education, Charmaine Nyakonda (Grassroot Soccer) unveiled the innovative MindSKILLZ program, offering a unique approach to empowering adolescents. By seamlessly integrating mental health awareness into sports programs, Grassroot Soccer is paving the way for holistic well-being among youth.

Fostering Wellbeing Through Trusted Relationships: Championing the power of trusted relationships, Megan Bartlett (Center for Healing and Justice through Sport) shed light on the significant role of coaches and sports clubs in promoting mental health. By fostering safe spaces and building authentic connections, the Center for Healing and Justice through Sport is nurturing the well-being of young people worldwide.

Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Sports Culture: Delving into the heart of sports culture, Heather Lewis (Mental Health Foundation) shared profound insights from research on mental health in the context of the Rugby World Cup. Through powerful narratives and compelling findings, the Mental Health Foundation is driving conversations and fostering a culture of mental health awareness in sports.

Driving Social Change Through Sport: With a passion for social impact, Adam Burgess (Beyond Sport) shared captivating insights into how sport serves as a catalyst for meaningful change worldwide. From funding programmes to amplifying intentional use, Beyond Sport is leading the charge in harnessing the full potential of sports for social good.

Key takeaways

The key “take-home” messages from the panellists when asked “For greater recognition of the connection between physical activity and mental health, we must…” included:

  • Advocating for the amplification of lived experiences, valuing their voices, and promoting their shared narratives.

  • Continuously raising awareness and advocating loudly for the integration of mental health into sports culture.

  • Prioritising adolescent mental health promotion and prevention efforts to address the unique needs of this demographic.

  • Emphasising collaboration over isolation, highlighting the importance of collective action for societal well-being.

  • Listening attentively to participants, building compelling cases for urgent support, and effectively communicating these needs to decision-makers.

  • Contextualising the universal benefits of sports, recognizing its diverse applications across cultures and contexts.

  • Creating a group of mental health champions/ambassadors among sports people.

  • Continually engaging in dialogue and advocacy, ensuring that discussions surrounding mental health and sports remain ongoing and impactful.

Catch up on all our previous #MHForAll webinars here and also find the full recordings on YouTube here.


United for Global Mental Health is the secretariat of the Global Mental Health Action Network.


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