The Global Mental Health Action Network was established to connect people and resources to promote better mental health awareness and provision.
Membership is open to anyone, anywhere, and is entirely free to join.
As a member of the Global Mental Health Action Network, you can expect to…
Enjoy direct access to experts and expert resources from around the globe, to inform your own work. And take the chance to contribute your own expertise, working together with other members to build evidence to develop policy positions, recommendations and campaigns that will deliver lasting change.
Learn what others are doing, as well as how and when they are doing it. You will discover new opportunities to join in and align with the work of other members, and to amplify and recruit more advocates to your own initiatives.
Find people to work with across sectors, topics and regions. The breadth of members in our network is vast, which creates an exciting environment to grow fresh ideas, different perspectives and new relationships with like-minded people from around the world.
Work in groups dedicated to accelerating political and financial support for global mental health. We are the largest global mental health network focused on advocacy and our members push for progress through joint communications and advocacy projects.
Will you join us? Register to become a GMHAN Member today!
Plus, you’ll gain access to member-only spaces, events, and content.
LinkedIn group
Our GMHAN LinkedIn group gives members the chance to connect with one another online.
Join the GMHAN CircleCircle is a private virtual networking space for GMHAN members where we can meet and discuss issues in real-time, share information about our work, and promote what we are doing. It is an important tool to help working group members and the wider GMHAN membership collaborate around the globe to achieve change.
To join the Circle, please register to become a GMHAN member, and receive an invite link to the community.
Our working groups are set up and chaired by network members as a way to work together with other members on shared priorities and projects, with support from the secretariat. Groups usually organise their work through regular virtual meetings and online exchange. As a GMHAN member, you can join one or more of our working groups - or set up your own!
Our current working groups are:Universal Health Coverage
To join a working group, please register to become a GMHAN Member first. Following confirmation of your registration, you’ll be invited to join one (or more) of our working groups via email. -
Monthly #MHForAll webinar
Each month we host a public webinar, featuring panellists from around the world; including academics, advocates, policymakers, and people with lived experience - often drawn from the membership of our network. Each webinar offers dedicated time for Q&A. Note: webinars are available to non-members.
Regular member meetings
We hold member meetings every two months with seminars and themes hosted by the advisory group and secretariat.
Annual meeting
Our annual members’ meeting gives members a more in-depth exploration of relevant and timely themes and opportunities, through panel events and workshops.
*Given the global nature of our network, we host our regular events online.* -
Timely updates
We make sure that the latest developments in mental health advocacy from around the world land directly in your inbox.
Monthly e-newsletter
Through our monthly member e-newsletter we spotlight members of the network, and offer you campaign opportunities to get involved with. Members are invited to contribute to newsletter content.